Question: Is there a higher privilege in the Church than to be called to lead worship?
Is there? Never have I thought of this. I spend numerous hours each week preparing, reading, copying, writing charts, memorizing music, listening to CD's, rehearsing....and the list goes on and on. Throughout my prep, I have never looked at it in this fashion. The worship teams here, at Living Word, pray that the message be in our hearts as well as those in worship. We pray for guidance, strength, and meaning. We pray that God will use us as His instruments and that we continue to do His will. There is so much that we pray for, but do we ever pray a prayer of thanks for the privilege, the honor to lead worship? We pray a prayer to allow us to serve, but is it a privilege in our hearts and minds? All the prep that I do and the work that the worship teams does has new meaning. God has given us the honor and privilege. We, as leaders in worship, need to view what we do in a different light. We need to view it as a privilege. After all, we are leading God's people.
(question came from Gordon MacDonald's article in Worship Leader magazine)