Sunday, December 20, 2009
Perfect Gift
The perfect gift. During the Christmas season, we are reminded that we have been given the perfect gift. We have the gift that doesn't require that fake smile or that not so sincere "thank you". We have been given the perfect gift...the gift of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. This gift never stops, never needs batteries, never always is perfect.
A big thank you to everyone who added with special music and programs throughout the Advent and Christmas season. Living Word was blessed with an ECC and Kindergarten Christmas program, 1st and 2nd grade choir, 3rd-5th grade choir, 6th-8th grade readers, church choir, handbell choir, soloists, Kingdom Quest Christmas Service, sound managers, worship teams...and the list can go on. Each child and adult played an important part in sharing the message of Christ's Birth with all of us. Thank you again for all your time and efforts in preparing and presenting the story of Christ's birth.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
It is God's Plan
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Icy Roads
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Can You Hear Those Bells?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Giving Thanks
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Where Is Your Focus?
Monday, November 9, 2009
A Simple Smile
We are people with many words. We sometimes feel that we have to say something. We have to respond or we have to be able to speak our mind or feelings. We are a people that sometimes feel we have to say words in order to share the love of Christ to people. But there are times when words mean nothing. All it takes is a simple and meaningful smile. When I picture Christ, I don't see a person who is talking. I don't see someone who is trying to tell me what I have done; good or bad. I see a face...with a smile. I see a loving God who knows when I have done wrong, but looks at me with those loving and tender eyes and smiles. It is the smile that impacts my day. Nothing fancy, it is just so simple. That smile that says, I love you. So I try to do the same...share the love of Christ...and smile.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Still In the Play
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Member or Disciple
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Positive Marks
During hard times in our economy, families, work, etc., we tend to dwell on the negatives. We see where things are messed up or where things just didn't go right. When we talk about our lives, we dwell on what could have been or what is going wrong. It is easy for us to see the negative marks and that is all we share. Negative marks are easy to share with others or easy to ask people to pray about. Negative marks are easy to use as an excuse for lack of service to God or reasons why we might not serve our Lord. Negative marks can bring down a person and a church. It is during the hardest times, that the church is the strongest. We have the opportunity to share and thank God for the things we do have. We have things that God has provided to us. We have the opportunity to worship and praise His name. Why not, share that...share the positive marks. We should be thanking God for the gifts that He has given us. For the food on the table, people who love us, the opportunity to worship, and much, much more. When things are bad, you have to also look at the positive -- you have to be thankful for your blessings. It is positive marks that lift people's spirits and helps refocus our own hearts. It is the positive marks that show our Lord how much we are thankful for the blessings He has given. Yes, negative marks happen, but allow God to show you how He has blessed you and then...thank Him!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Bringing People or Bringing Christ
This is so much like the church. We want to share the message of Christ to the world. We want all people, all nations to experience the saving Grace of our Lord and Savior. But many times we come about this all wrong. We want to go out and bring people to Christ, instead of bringing Christ to the people. We should share Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to work in them. This means in all of our professions, in worship, in our free time, in all we do. We need to be bringing Christ to the people by our words, actions, worship and prayer. Then allow the Spirit to work in them. We won't be able to change the heart of people or make them become what we want them to become, but the Holy Spirit can work in their heart and help them understand the grace of Christ.
Monday, October 5, 2009
The Me-nistry Syndrome
Think about this. Each person is part of God's ministry. The words we speak, the works we do, the attitudes and behaviors we have is all part of ministry for our Lord. When things don't go the way we want or during this hard time in our country, city, and home, ministry turns into "me-nistry". We get so caught up in what we "need", what we are "deserving" to have or to do. When money is down, we don't give to the church, financially or through our talents. When our schedules are busy, we don't take the time for God in worship, word, or sacrament. We ask or demand, what is in it for me. That is "me-nistry". We only want what is best for me and our focus is on what we want or deserve. Ministry isn't about us, but Him. Is "me" getting in the way of Him?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
God is my Strength
The Lord is my strength. The Lord has given me the ability to continue to work through all these things. He is the one that will guide me. He is the one that will walk with me and even carry me when times are tough. He is the one that will always be there, in good and hard times. The Lord; our strength! Because of His great love for us, because of His strength, I have nothing to do but praise Him…even in frustrating times.
Monday, September 21, 2009
A Little Bit of Work
A little bit of work is required of us in worship. We can't just walk in to worship and expect it all to be spoon fed to us. We can't expect the word to always come to us. No, we have to work at keeping our focus on God; on the message. I know that there are people who can find things to distract them in worship. They look to see if others are praying or if people are singing along. All these things keep them from worshiping. To worship God, means you have to work to focus on the message. You have to work to hear and understand the Word. You have to work so that all the distractions around you won't keep you from the message. So when you are in worship, don't just sit back and expect it to come to you...a little bit of work helps make the message easier to understand.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Victories Will Happen
Doing the small things right and victories will come. How true in our Christian walk. There is a very, very (did I say very) small chance that any of us will save this world. There is a very, very (again, did I say very) small chance than any of us will save Oakland County or even Rochester. Our focus is sometimes on the big things that we should be doing, but if we do the small things, victories will come. Are we treating other with respect or are we talking about them behind their back? Are we willing to pray for someone in need? Are we willing to forgive? Are we willing to spend time in scripture so that our faith walk will grow? It is the small things that we do that will bring about victories for Christ. It will show others what we believe and how we want to live our lives. It is the example of Lord that we share and then...someday, sometime...victories will happen.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
You Can Keep It Simple
Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to have the deepest thought about our faith or try to share some sort of words that would sink deep into the hearts and minds of people. We try to use big words or make statements that sound "intelligent". We dig deep into the spiritual meaning of things, when all we need is something simple. Simple works. Everyone is at a different spiritual walk in life. To some, deep and intense thinking is what they are longing for, but for some, simple is best. Jesus did this. He spoke deep to those who thought they were the smartest or were higher than others. He spoke deep to make a point, then, for those who were trying to understand, it was simple. So as I was pounding my head for a great concept to write about, God was showing me that sometimes the simple message is just as important and makes a great impact. You can share God's love through the simple things. It just might be the way to bring others to see His love also.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
There are so many days that "thunderstorms" play havoc with our lives. We expect life to be smooth. We expect everything to just go as we plan, but God has other plans. Tough situations come upon us and we must deal with them in a way that shows our faith in Christ. There were people yelling at the lady behind the counter to get their flight rebooked. I even caught myself getting frustrated with her, but I never raised my voice. It wasn't her fault, she didn't cause the storm. God's plan didn't really help with our perfectly smooth plan for the day. He had a plan for me to be involved in this. Maybe it was just to say "thank you" to the lady behind the counter as I got my seat on standby? Maybe it was show a calm voice to those who were yelling at her. I don't know why it happened, but it did, all to His glory. I got home, a little later than expected, but safe. Praise God for the "thunderstorm". It makes you stop and think of His power.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Serve (1 Peter 4:10)
Serve (1 Peter 4:10)
Serve one another in love
Serve the Father above
Serve with a servant heart
Serve, do your part
Serve with gladness everyone.
Praise the Father, Spirit, Son.
We all have gifts God provides,
To share His love, Him glorified.
Reach out to others with a loving heart.
Don't complain about doing your part.
It is God's grace that we share.
So take God's love everywhere.
So serve the Lord with a servant heart.
So share His word. Do Your part!
Special thanks to members of the music ministry team who helped with musical ideas and with the recording of this song! You can check out the song by going to the church website at Scroll down and click on the church link. There is a link to the song on the music ministry page.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
We all have our friends in our church. We feel comfortable talking with them and at times, seek them out to visit with. Our ministry is also in this building. We tend to talk about sharing the Word with those out in the community, but what about in our own building. We need to step outside of our normal group and welcome those around. We need to share the love and peace of God with those who step into our building to worship. We say that everyone is welcome, so we, as a church, need to practice this. We have been having many visitors in the past months. It is a blessing to have them worship with us. We should thank them and welcome them. The church isn't just our members, the church is everyone. Each person should feel a part of the family of God.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Are You Ready for Some Football
I will have the honor of watching the Indianapolis Colts play the Minnesota Vikings in Indianapolis this week. I love watching football and love seeing the strategy that goes into playing the game. Now this game is only a pre-season game and the first one for both teams, so I know that I won't be watching much of the starting lineups. I'll see the backup players as they try to do the things to impress the coach so they can make the team. These players might not have the household names, but they have the talent and the ability to play the game. You never know watching these games, you might be watching the next NFL pro-bowler or hall of famer.
There are times in our lives when we feel that we are working to impress our coach, God. We do many things to show that we are Christian, but the problem is, we are doing things to show we are Christians. It has nothing to do with what is right or what God has commanded, it is all about ourselves. We walk around trying to build ourselves up so much that we forget about who we are serving. We work so hard to impress God, to make Him see us, that we forget that we don't have to impress Him at all, only serve. We don't need to work to make the team, we are already on it. All we have to do is follow the play that He has set before us. All we have to do is serve Him.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Garage Sales
Thank goodness God didn't search for a deal to save us. He knew the price He had to pay for us and that was full price...the life of His only Son. There was no picking around piles to find us. There wasn't any bargaining or leaving us behind because He thought we weren't worth the price. He was willing to pay for us in strings attached. God looked at us and knew that we were something He wanted and He was willing to give it all for us. He didn't see junk, only something special. What a precious thing we are.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
A Little Pinch
It is the same way in our Christian walk. We work hard to walk the walk, talk the talk, but the moment there is a little pressure to either share our faith vocally or by action, that little pinch stops us from being the witness that we are called to be. The pinch effects who we are and doesn't allow God to shine through us. Thank goodness that God see our troubles and rebuilds us through word and sacrament. He fixes the pinch so that when the opportunity arises again, the message of God will flow freely.
Monday, July 20, 2009
That's Ministry
Many people don't see that what they do is ministry. The way they treat a co-worker. They way they act in a restaurant. The way they drive. The way they talk. Everything they do is ministry. When you build up the kingdom of God through what you do...that is ministry. You are and will always be part of God's plan to grow His kingdom. He has you doing what you do for a reason...that is ministry. Live your life like God intended. After all, people are watching, listening and understanding. Do they see a disciple of God? Do they see your ministry?
Saturday, July 11, 2009
All-Star Games
We can learn a lot from the all-star games. We all come from different backgrounds. Raised in different ways. Have different ideas of what worship is. Have different gifts, talents, levels of faith. We do what we are gifted in. But when it comes to the church, the body of Christ, we are all on the same team. This means, we shouldn't be condemning, backstabbing, gossiping, putting each other down. We shouldn't be acting like we are better than others or building ourselves up at others expense. We shouldn't be putting down styles of worship or the way a fellow believer worships. We are all on the same team. We are all brought together to worship and build up the body of Christ. Differences should be celebrated, not condemned. Gifts and talents should be used and be thanked, not put down. Coming together makes the church stronger and puts our focus on Him. We are one team for His purpose!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
I think the hardest title that I have isn't one for my earthly position. It is my heavenly title of servant. There are times when this title gets in the way. To truly be living up to the title of servant is to put Jesus and others first. That is a very hard thing to do. My ego and earthly desires stand in my way. When you are servant, you aren't getting extra love from God. You aren't getting a bigger and better place in the heavenly kingdom. You are of yourself for others, for our heavenly Father. There are times when I don't deserve this title, but God, out of love for us, continues to forgive and stamps that title back on us so we can better His kingdom. So what is the title God is giving you?
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Running the Race
Our God is cheering us on in our race. He was there when we started and has many points along the race to cheer you on. He calls out to you by name, giving you encouragement to finish the race. Our God doesn't stop cheering, even if we stumble along the path. He will continue to holler for you to get up and continue forward. What an amazing God. He wants us to finish the race; the race to our heavenly home. Look around, listen, God is cheering you on. Can you hear him?
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Camping Experience
This is the same for us as Christians. We have opportunities to do things, to share the message of Christ, to enjoy the creation He has given us. We have the opportunity to enjoy the moment that God has given us. It isn't always the big things that bring joy, but the small things. Seeing a deer eating by the side of the road, watching the sun set, feeling a gentle breeze on our face. It is those things we can find excitement about what God has given us. God is loving watching us, each moment, each exciting time, each little thing. He is watching, smiling, and loving it.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Strange, but we still do this even as we are getting older. We tend to look only at the "I" and fail to look at who really helped us through things. Sometimes our focus in life isn't about God and His love for us, but on what "I" can do or what "I" can say. We fail to spend time in prayer. We fail to spend time in God's word. We fail to focus our lives on God. "I" can be a very dangerous word when it comes to our lives and what blessings we have been given. "I" can be a very selfish word when it comes to sharing the message of Christ. "I" isn't showing our Father to others. We can be very self-centered. When that happens, we need to re-evaluate who our focus in on. Everything we do, everything we have, we do it for Him, not for ourselves.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Job Description
What is on our job description as Christians? What is it telling us to do when it says in Matthew to "go therefore and make disciples of all nations"? Just because you might not carry the title of Pastor doesn't mean that you can't or shouldn't share the Word of God to those around you. Living a life for Christ is our job description. What we say and do exemplifies the love of God to those around us. It shares, not only who we are, but who we believe in. Our lifetime job description is to share the love of Christ and be a witness for Him. We shouldn't "refuse" like the young man in the ice cream shop, to witness because we might not feel like we are trained to do so. All it takes is a smile, a hello, holding the door, helping someone out, saying thank you. Being a witness for Christ; that is in all of our job description's.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Words and Meaning
Have you ever gotten so caught up in the question and expect a response that you fail to really listen? We tend to do this everyday. It is so imporant that we really listen. Could you imagine if God just expected a typical response and that he didn't really listen to what is on our hearts? He doesn't do that. He every word, every meaning, to everything. We need to try to do the same. Don't ask a question, unless you really want to hear a response. When you do ask, listen...not only to the words spoken, but to the true meaning. Your listening could really help make someone's day or even their week.
Monday, May 18, 2009
My Personal Soapbox
Now I was taken back by this, but not really angry, just hurt. When David was leading the Ark of the Covenant and was dancing, I believe he was dancing for the Lord. I like to think that when the Psalms tell us to praise the Lord with cymbals or drums or trumpets, that it is telling us to praise the Lord using any means we can. Music is just one part of the worship experience. Word and Sacrament play a big part in our spiritual walk. It isn't what I do, it is what God is doing through me and through the worship teams that enhance worship. There are so many different ways to worship our Lord, that no one way is correct all the time. Worship comes from the heart. Worship is how you praise, thank, confess, ask, respond to God and His glory. Worship is you giving back to God. Some people like a more traditional, some like contemporary, but whatever the style, if it is focused on our heavenly Father, it is worship.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
As Christians, there are many "allergies" that keep us from living our lives like God would want us to. The stress of a busy day, unexpected events, other people's attitudes, our schedules, all these "allergies" and more keep us from living our life as God would expect. They keep us from seeing, hearing, and focusing on God. We need to combat these things with a daily prayer, daily devotions, getting into the word, worshiping together and coming to the Lord's Supper. We need to use these things to regain our focus. Sometimes when we don't see things clearly or when the "allergies" of our lives take over, stop and refocus. Allow the power of God to help you see who He is and how we should be living for Him.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Gymnastics Is Not My Gift
We have all been blessed with gifts. Some people have the gift of teaching. Some have the gift of music. Some have the gift of sharing, caring, praying, listening, reading, etc. Each person has a gift from God in a certain area and each gift is vital to the kingdom of God. There is no such thing as a small gift, if used for God's glory. We can volunteer to help clean a house. We can sing songs. We can lead children in sunday school. We fill in the blank. Your gift can benefit the kingdom of God. All you have to do is use it. I'm not strong in many areas, so I use what God has given me to be a witness for Him. You can do this also. Use your gift for God's glory. It might be a kind smile, a small hug, a simple prayer, but that gift, when used to build up His kingdom, is powerful.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
There are so many things that completely interferes with us listening to our Lord. We come to church. We sit, we stand, we sing, we participate in everything we are asked to do, but the message is never heard. We might be thinking of work or what we are doing after church. Sometimes we might be focusing on past events or the excitement or worry of something upcoming. Things cause interference in our lives and we can't hear the message from our Lord. There are many times I catch myself in this. Many times it is because I'm thinking of the timing needed for the next song or remembering the chord progressions. It causes interference with me hearing the Word. When that happens, I have to stop and refocus on what is going on. I have to refocus on the Word. We need to work on putting all the things that interfere with worship aside so the message, the Word, the desires of our Lord, will be our focus. The interference from the phones, pda's, blackberry, etc could easily be prevented. With a little work we all could put aside our personal interferences from the Word of God.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Always Remember
True, the tradition of giving something up for Lent is now over. The suffering of living without something is now done. But as I shared with one person, shouldn't we be remembering the suffering, death, and resurrection of our Lord and Savior daily? The Lenten season might be done on the calander, but it should never be done in our hearts. Each day is an opportunity to share and to reflect on the death and resurrection of Jesus. Each day gives us a chance to rejoice in our salvation. Each day gives us the joy knowing that our sins are forgiven. Each day, each time we confess our sins, each time we take the Lord's Supper, we are celebrating Lent and Easter over again. To give something up for Lent is fine, if it is something you do, but never stop refecting on the purpose of Christ death and resurrection.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
God reminds us every day of who He is. As I'm typing this, I look outside and see snow falling in April. While we were on the airplane waiting for our turn to take off, a heavy downpour came and you couldn't see the tip of the wing. Sometimes it's the sun shining, a certain song playing on the radio, a bible passage coming to mind. All these things are reminders of who God is and His awesome power. Sometimes we take so much for granted that God gives us an obvious reminder, like the flight attendant's reminder that we were in an airplane. Other times, the reminders aren't so obvious and it takes time for us to realize what God is telling us. As we celebrate Easter, God is once again reminding of His victory over death and the devil. We need to refocus hearts and minds on what Easter is truly about. Reminders from God are everywhere. He is telling us that He is here with us. Our part is to look, listen, and focus on Him.
Monday, March 30, 2009
I Have Forgotten...
Sometimes we get so caught up in the business of life that we fail to slow down and see the beauty God puts around us. We tend to focus on the activities we must do. Run to the store, go to work, drive kids around, cook dinner, pack lunches, etc...all those things in our daily routine that have our focus. But when do we slow down and see the things that God has so blessed us with? Our family, friends, home, His creation...sunsets. I have seen His glory through His creation. It is my prayer that you have a moment to slow down and see the beauty around us. Take a moment from the business of life to see what God has put around you. His creation is amazing. Maybe you will have the opportunity to see the sunset. I have slowed down...I have seen the beauty of the sunset.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What To Say
My response...tears and prayers. I couldn't really give an answer. I could only stop and pray. I will respond. How, I'm not sure, but I know that the Lord will put the right words in my heart. But for now, I'm praying.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Juggling Made Easy
In my life, I have to juggle many things. Like you, I have to juggle my job, family, my faith, my personal time and the list goes on and on. Juggling is something that we all must do. We do something for our family and we feel that the job suffers or we do something for the job and we feel that our family suffers. We get so caught up in juggling our job and family that our faith suffers. We keep trying to juggle everything, but then it all falls. We struggle with our juggling. But we have help. If our focus is on him, the juggling act becomes a lot easier. God has to be first. He has to be what we focus on. In juggling, the focus has to be on the right object. In juggling our life, our focus has to be on the right place. It has to be on God. He is the one that makes juggling our lives easier. Juggling made easy...Keep God first!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
I Just Had to Look and Listen
What an amazing thing. I just happened to be getting a little frustrated at that time. I was trying to find music to fit the theme of a worship service. I was paging through scripture. I was grabbing songbook after songbook looking for the right song to share the message. I was working frantically. I stopped, looked out the window and there it was, God's glory! Through all this planning, my planning, I was forgetting to stop and let God talk. He was showing me all along what to pick. He placed the songs in my heart. All I had to do was listen to the still small voice from God.
Friday, February 27, 2009
I Promise To Keep My Shoes On
Christians also suffer from stinky feet. We suffer from sin. We confess our sins and are made clean again, but after a day, hours, minutes, the stink comes back. There are times when we try to mask our sin. We think that if we cover up the stink, the sin, it will go away. We don't try to confess it, because we don't want to admit it. We try to hide it, to make it smell better, but after awhile, the stink comes back. But because of the love of our Lord and Savior, our stinky feet are gone. It is his love for us, his forgiveness that our stink is made clean. As we confess our sins, God takes takes it away and makes us clean. He does this, not because He had to, but because He wanted to. He did this because of his love for us. All it takes is for us to admit our sinful nature, our stinky feet, and it will be made clean. Our feet will smell like roses.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Different Ways
The same can be said about scripture. The words are written. The message is there. So why can’t we all agree? I’m not talking about the different denominations. I'm talking about here, in our own church. Why can’t we all agree on the meaning of scripture? It is because we all see the Word of God in different ways. God speaks to us in ways, depending on the things happening in our lives. He knows what concerns we have in our hearts. He listens to our prayers. He knows, plain and simple. Then, out of love for us, He answers. He speaks to us, each individually. One verse speaks in one way to one person, but that same verse might speak to others in a different way. No way is wrong, but it is the way that God speaks to each of us. He shares His Word at the right time for the right reason. We need to read and listen, God is speaking.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
The Right Tool
We all have been given gifts by God. These gifts are given to us to be used. According to Ephesians 4:12, we need to use these gifts "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up". Let's think about this. I could try to build a house, but will it stand? My gifts are not in building homes. I needed someone to come and use their gifts to help. But together, my father-in-law and I built those walls. He had the knowledge and the tools to do it. I had the opportunity to work along with him. Our church is in need of people to stand up and share their gifts. We know that we are all not gifted in the same way, but each gift is unique and can help build up the body of Christ. You may have the gift of speaking, others don't. You may have the gift of teaching, other's don't. Some can build walls, some can make banners, some can teach Bible Class, some can share with complete strangers the gospel. Now is not the time to hide these gifts; now is the time to use them. As you use them, others will work side by side with you. God has blessed Living Word with so many talented people in so many ways. Take the time and pray for God to help lead you to share your gifts or to help show your gifts. Together, the body of Christ will be built up.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Where the dogs walk
Each time we sin, we create that stench around us. When we sin, we didn't listen or heed the warning of God who is watching out for us. It is that sin that if not cleaned will drive people away from us. It is those unkind words, the rumors, the unkind actions, unkind thoughts, it is all these things that will keep people away. We must ask for forgiveness, not only from those we hurt, but from God. God will wash us clean. He won't ignore us. God hates the stink. He can smell it even before we do. It is beccause of His Son, Jesus Christ that the stench is gone. Jesus is the one that cleans us from our sin, from our stench all out of love for us. Sure we still have to watch where we walk and heed the warnings of God, but when we slip up, He will make clean.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Dancing with Christ
There are times when we forget to allow Christ in our life. We fail to keep the beat, we fail to move together, we struggle, we become movement challenged. People might look, but then they turn away for there is nothing good to see. Christ isn't seen in us. When Christ leads, we move along like that couple. Our movements are smooth, our steps in beat, we move together. People stop and look, they notice something different about us. We show Christ. Our words, our actions, our life portrays Him in us.
Monday, January 26, 2009
What is on your report card?
Now imagine if we had to receive this dreaded report card about how we lived as a Christian? What if God gives us a report card about how we handled ourselves in tough situations? What if God gave us a report card about our thoughts or words about others? What would be on your report card? It is a pretty scary thought. But we do receive a report card. Yes, believe it or not, we do get one. God looks at us and how we live our lives and grades us. He looks at you and me, looks at our behavior, our actions, our words, our thoughts, everything. But He takes our report card and gives us all A's. That is right, we all get A's. Why? You might be asking what you did to deserve an A from God. The answer is...nothing! God sent his Son to die on the cross, to wash away all those bad behaviors, bad actions, bad words, bad thoughts, bad...everything. Because of His death and resurrection, because He washed us clean, our report card just has A's on it.
Monday, January 19, 2009
We May Wobble
What about us? When the tough times hit, do we just fall down and stay down or do we pop back up? When we sin, do we just say down or do we ask for forgiveness and pop back up? As Christians, we need to realize that we are just like weebles. Because of our sinful nature, we wobble. Satan tries to knock and keep us down. It is through the grace and love of Christ Jesus, through His forgiveness that we receive, that allows us to pop back up. Just like to weebles, we may wobble but we won't fall down.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Cheering Us On
Our Christian walk is like this. We are out in the world striving to do what is right. We are out in the world trying to make the play. As we work on playing the game of life the way God wants, He is there, cheering each one of us on, watching what we are doing. Sometimes He is telling us "good job", other times, He is encouraging us and preparing us to do the next play. When the play is done, talk to God about it. Talk to God about the day and he listens. We ask Him what we need to do and He responds. Even though He knows what we did, telling Him brings a sense of love and excitement to His heart. What a wonderful God. Look around you. Look and see that He is there. He is the one who is cheering you on. He wants you to play the game the best you can. Look and listen...can you hear Him?