My son, Joey, joined the cub scouts. He is starting as a Tiger Scout and is thrilled to be part of this. This last weekend his pack had a camping trip. This was his first official event as a Tiger Scout. So we loaded up and went with his pack and camped. Because it was such late notice for myself, we only spent one night there so I could be back for the weekend worship services. But that one night, those 18 hours were a delight. Joey was excited about everything. Cooking dinner in aluminium foil, seeing a racoon in a tree above us, walking and seeing fish in a lake, sleeping in a sleeping bag and tent, the flag raising, and most of all (the main reason why we went) to learn to shoot a BB gun. It was a thrill for him. His face was beaming. He was excited to do what little he got to do. He talked about it to me and had a grin on his face from ear to ear. I loved spending every moment with him. I loved watching him being excited about the little things.
This is the same for us as Christians. We have opportunities to do things, to share the message of Christ, to enjoy the creation He has given us. We have the opportunity to enjoy the moment that God has given us. It isn't always the big things that bring joy, but the small things. Seeing a deer eating by the side of the road, watching the sun set, feeling a gentle breeze on our face. It is those things we can find excitement about what God has given us. God is loving watching us, each moment, each exciting time, each little thing. He is watching, smiling, and loving it.
This is the same for us as Christians. We have opportunities to do things, to share the message of Christ, to enjoy the creation He has given us. We have the opportunity to enjoy the moment that God has given us. It isn't always the big things that bring joy, but the small things. Seeing a deer eating by the side of the road, watching the sun set, feeling a gentle breeze on our face. It is those things we can find excitement about what God has given us. God is loving watching us, each moment, each exciting time, each little thing. He is watching, smiling, and loving it.