Sunday, June 28, 2009


I've had many job titles over the past 16 years. It is amazing what a title can get you. When I was teaching in Indianapolis, I would use certain titles for certain jobs. For example, when I was planning choir tours, I would use the title "Director of Choirs". When I was working on student council activities, I would use "Student Activities Coordinator". I had titles that I could use for all sorts of things, from coaching to crisis planning to even working at the ice cream shop. I had a title. Now here, I have a title again. The title helps in knowing what I do, but does the title help in showing who or whose I am?

I think the hardest title that I have isn't one for my earthly position. It is my heavenly title of servant. There are times when this title gets in the way. To truly be living up to the title of servant is to put Jesus and others first. That is a very hard thing to do. My ego and earthly desires stand in my way. When you are servant, you aren't getting extra love from God. You aren't getting a bigger and better place in the heavenly kingdom. You are of yourself for others, for our heavenly Father. There are times when I don't deserve this title, but God, out of love for us, continues to forgive and stamps that title back on us so we can better His kingdom. So what is the title God is giving you?