Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Right Tool

When we bought our house, we had visions of finishing the basement. We envisioned a bathroom, a bedroom, a family room and adding some storage. These visions started becoming a reality over the long weekend. But in order to make this happen, I needed someone who knew what they were doing. I could envision the building process and how it was suppose to look, but really, I had no idea of what had to happen. I had a book that shared how to stud a wall, but I didn't own the right tools and was kind of frighten that I might mess it up. So my Father-in-Law came up this weekend and in one day, the basement is studded and we are preparing for the next step. He had the knowledge and the tools to do it. Me, well, I had the vision, but building a wall, you can say, isn't my strength.

We all have been given gifts by God. These gifts are given to us to be used. According to Ephesians 4:12, we need to use these gifts "to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up". Let's think about this. I could try to build a house, but will it stand? My gifts are not in building homes. I needed someone to come and use their gifts to help. But together, my father-in-law and I built those walls. He had the knowledge and the tools to do it. I had the opportunity to work along with him. Our church is in need of people to stand up and share their gifts. We know that we are all not gifted in the same way, but each gift is unique and can help build up the body of Christ. You may have the gift of speaking, others don't. You may have the gift of teaching, other's don't. Some can build walls, some can make banners, some can teach Bible Class, some can share with complete strangers the gospel. Now is not the time to hide these gifts; now is the time to use them. As you use them, others will work side by side with you. God has blessed Living Word with so many talented people in so many ways. Take the time and pray for God to help lead you to share your gifts or to help show your gifts. Together, the body of Christ will be built up.